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How to register adsense through blogger

Posted by Hanya on 26 Feb 2015

Making money through blogging is a thing that has become a trend today, especially for the onliner. Many bloggers who have registered, but not all accepted into the Google Adsense publisher. This is because a website or blog that is registered does not meet the criteria expected by Google. Google Adsense parties want a website / blog publisher sites they are qualified and meet their rules. If you have a blog with good quality content, good spam filter and has a large traffic visiting, then you have a huge opportunity to earn extra income from Google AdSense. So now the question is how do I sign up for Google AdSense to be easily accepted.
  1. Make sure you already have a blog at www.blogger.com
  2. Make sure the menu Earnings already appears in the sidebar to the left, if the menu still does not appear, it needs a bit settings first. Sign in to Dashboard ==> Settings ==> Language and Formatting. Then change the language to English UK / US then press Save Settings, then refresh the page of your blog, then there will be an additional menu Earnings on the left menu.
  3. Then click on the left menu Earnings your Blogger Dashboard, then you will see a screen like the following, then press Sign Up AdSense.
  4. Choose an email address that will be used to sign up for Google AdSense, click the button Yes, the name of your email if you agree to use an active email now or select the Use a different Google Account or a new one if you are going to use another's account.
  5. After that you will be asked to fill out a form for data registration your Google Adsense account.

Here is an explanation of the picture above :
  • Country or region: India
  • Time Zone: Adjust the time zone of your region
  • Account type: Individual
  • Payee name: Your Name
  • Street Address: Address your home
  • City: Your City
  • Province: Your Province
  • Postal Code: Zip code your area
  • Phone: Phone Number or your mobile phone number
  • Email preferences: fill in your email
  • Then click the Send button my application.

Please wait 3 days to 1 week to find out if your AdSense account application can approve or not by Google AdSense Team. Notification will be sent via email. Therefore, please check your inbox or Spam folder of your email regularly.

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